韓國撲克媒體 Bluff & Catch 專訪撲克夫妻 Nevan

韓國撲克媒體 Bluff & Catch 於 2024 年專訪亞洲最大線上撲克平台 Natural8 (N8) 大使 — 撲克夫妻 Nevan,並以 “This is the best time of my career” Natural8 Ambassador Nevan Chang Interview 為題,深入探討 Nevan 踏上職業撲克牌手生涯的契機、心路歷程以及擔任 N8 平台大使的經驗分享,以下為該英文專訪中英對照版本。

Q1. 聽說您第一次接觸德州撲克是在前往首爾出差時,請問您第一次接觸撲克時,它最吸引您的地方是什麼?成為全職撲克玩家最具挑戰性的部分又是什麼?
I heard that you were first introduced to poker while visiting Seoul on business. What was the most appealing aspect of poker to you when you first discovered it, and what was the most challenging aspect of turning it into a full-time career?




My first live poker experience took place in Seoul. All I knew were the basic rules, and in a Hong Kong movie, God of Gamblers, an expert said it was foolish of anyone to choose not to go all-in with an AK in his hand. Luckily, on that very first night in Seoul, I played for a few hours and left with some profit. From that day onward, I fell in love with poker and kept studying.

What poker attracts me most is the sense of competition and challenge. I was a professional esports player in my teenage years, and I found many similarities between poker and esports. Poker is a highly challenging game that combines the skill of management, both bankroll and emotions. There are many decisions to make when playing poker. You are the company and the boss; you have to be responsible for your decisions, which is very attractive to me.

A full-time poker player’s challenge is adapting to a high-pressure lifestyle and maintaining physical and mental endurance for online poker and live tournaments. As you move on to the higher level, you will compete against skilled players. With the increased intensity, it is a must to invest time and effort in learning to keep up.

Q2. 您和您的妻子 Hua Wei Lin 一起玩撲克,我很好奇您是如何認識她的?以及您們是如何開始一起玩撲克的? You have since started playing poker with your wife 'Hua Wei Lin', and I'm curious how you met her and how you started playing poker together.

我們12歲國中就認識不同班,高中yahoo 即時通(線上通訊軟體)聊天才又搭上,在一起到現在已經15年了,weiwei是因為我先接觸愛上她也試著了解,基本上是因為我才會一起玩撲克。

Hua-Wei (Weiwei) and I have known each other since the age of 12. We went to the same middle school but were in different classes. We reconnected in high school through Yahoo Messenger (a popular online communication platform back then) and confirmed our relationship. This year is our 15th year together.

She got into poker because I was first interested in it, and she tried to learn about it. We then learn and grow together in the field of poker.

Q3. 您成為線上撲克 Natural 8 的大使,並同時參與線上和現場撲克。我很好奇線上和現場撲克的差異,是否對您打撲克的方式或策略有不同影響。 您覺得自己比較擅長哪個領域呢? You have since signed an online poker Natural 8 ambassador deal and have been playing both online and offline. I'm curious if the difference between online and offline has had a different impact on your play. And which fields do you feel stronger in?

線上強度同樣級別比現場來的高許多,策略上不論現場線上都是一樣的,線上可以打多桌手數可以經驗累積的快,而現場可以認真單桌觀察,可以說線上偏GTO策略打牌加大量玩家有對戰的資訊搜集,現場更多exploit 策略,但不管哪者還是會動態調整。

我比較常兩者兼併玩,因為熱愛撲克,常常現場打完,晚上沒比賽,剛好銜接線上比賽,因為natural 8主要歐美時間開打,就可以同時進行。

The intensity of online poker at the same level is much higher than live poker. Strategically speaking, it’s the same for both online and live poker.

Online poker allows players to play multiple tables, allowing them to accumulate experience faster, while live poker allows players to practice carefully observing opponents at a single table.

Online poker leans more towards practicing the GTO (Game Theory Optimal) strategy and gathers information on many players, while live poker involves more exploit strategies. However, both require dynamic adjustments.

I often play both online and live poker because I love playing poker. After participating in a live tournament during the day, if there’s no further live tournament at night, I’ll move on to online tournaments on Natural8; this works well as Natural8 mainly runs on European and American daytime (nighttime in Asia).


Q4. 請問 Nevan 對您妻子的撲克技巧有何看法? So what does Nevan think of your wife's poker skills, and what are her strengths?


Hua-Wei (Weiwei) is considered talented among female poker players. Although she doesn’t play much, her overall playing and strategy lean toward a good direction. To her, poker is more about entertainment, as she mainly focuses on running our household and taking care of our child. To me, it’s more important that she enjoys playing rather than focusing on sharpening her skills.

Q5. 您於今年夏天在拉斯維加斯取得了職業生涯新高獎金,在 $3K Wynn Summer Classic 中贏得第二名抱回獎金 $107,553,在 #14 WSOP Super Turbo 中獲得第二名並抱回獎金 $96,965,並在整個拉斯維加斯賽季中拿下 $403,813 的獎金,這可能是您個人至今表現最佳的賽季。我很希望可以了解那是什麼感覺以及你的感受為何? You had career highs this summer in Las Vegas, winning $107,553 in the $3K Wynn Summer Classic for second place, following a $96,965 third-place finish in the #14 WSOP Super Turbo bounty, and $403,813 in cashes for the Las Vegas season. It was probably your best season personally. I'd love to hear what it was like and how you felt.

打全職撲克至今七年多了,前面的五年多都是專職打線上cash game ,搭配非常少量線下錦標賽。因為錦標賽每個系列波動資金都比起現金桌更大,甚至現場有限時間可能無法實現你的EV。

我在Covid 後的那年2022年8月才決定嘗試看看以現場錦標賽為主。到目前都還算順利,因此2023是我第一年去wsop ,今年則是第二年,對於自己的表現已經很滿意,希望能夠持續努力下次再戰wsop。

I’ve been playing poker full-time for over seven years now. For the first five years, I specialized in online cash games, with very few live tournaments. This is because tournaments have more significant bankroll swings than cash games, and sometimes, you are probably unable to achieve your EV goal in a limited time in live tournaments.

In August 2022, after countries gradually lifted COVID restrictions, I decided to focus on live tournaments, and it’s been going well so far. My first year at the WSOP was 2023, so 2024 is my second year, and I’m satisfied with the outcome. I’ll continue to invest my time and effort in learning for the next WSOP.


Q6. 您在撲克生涯中曾經歷過的最佳時刻是什麼? What is the best moment of your poker career and why was it special?


I would rather say it is the best period, not just a moment. I’m thrilled that the man who used to play $1/$2 cash games now can play with much bigger buy-ins. To me, this progress is just incredible.

Q7. 您可以告訴我,您正在投入哪些努力來提升自己的撲克技巧嗎? Can you tell me what you're doing to improve your poker skills?



I spend more time than others on poker. While others choose to eat, drink, and be merry, I dedicate almost all my waking time to poker, studying, practicing, and discussing with fellow players. I often play Natural8 on my phone in my leisure time. Whether having dinner with family or shopping with my wife, I just can’t stop myself from thinking about poker.

I travel to different countries for poker tournaments, but I rarely have the chance to immerse myself in sightseeing because I mainly stay in casinos playing poker. I hope that when I achieve specific personal goals, I can relax a bit and enjoy the balance between poker and travel.

Q8. 您的短期和長期目標是什麼? What are your goals in the short and long term?



My short-term goal is to keep playing both online and live poker while maintaining a good balance of physical and mental health, keeping myself in optimal condition to face everyday challenges.

Of course, my long-term goal is to win championships in major tournaments. I also want to introduce poker to those unfamiliar with it and promote poker in a positive way. In the meantime, I would love to provide guidance to fellow players, contributing my bit to the poker community.

撲克夫妻 WiN Poker Couple

線上撲克 Natural8:N8 戰隊推薦.加入戰隊每週享 6 場保底免費賽!

撲克夫妻提醒你:自律是打好撲克必須掌握的技能,請為自己負責、避免過度沉迷,未滿 18 歲請勿參與線上或現場撲克賽事。


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