Natural8  Ambassadors

Weiwei — Poker self-media influencer
Nevan (Yu Chung Chang) — Professional poker player


Poker self-media influencer, tournament broadcast host


Professional Texas Hold’em poker player, Chinese Taipei National Match Poker Team coach


Weiwei and Nevan met as 14-year-olds, and began dating at the age of 17. At that time, Nevan was already a gamer with famous CS esports team UMX and had represented Taiwan in tournaments around the world.


Weiwei and Nevan joined the e-commerce industry together during their time at university, and ultimately accumulated over seven years of working experience.


Nevan became enthralled by poker during a trip to Seoul to play Texas Hold’em poker. He even willingly used up all his vacation days to fly to Macau for 21 days to participate in the Red Dragon tournament. After that, he spent over eight hours a day studying without a single day of rest and persevered until he was able to stabilize and sustain his earnings.


After a decade-long romance, the Texas Hold’em poker-loving pair of Weiwei and Nevan got married in a poker-themed wedding planned by Weiwei.


In the same year, Nevan became a hybrid player focusing mainly on online cash games supplemented by tournaments. The couple traveled to Las Vegas together to take small stakes cash game training workshops, learning from many cash game experts such as Jessie, Mike, or Russel.


The Texas Hold’em poker-loving couple jointly established the WiN Poker Couple community to provide poker resources, interact with fellow poker players, and share their journey from amateur to professional poker players as well as poker philosophies and strategies.


Nevan accepted an invitation to serve as the Texas Hold’em poker match commentator for the Azio TV program I Am Poker King co-presented by ReeAnne Hong and Hsu Xin-Yang. Weiwei and Nevan were also invited to participate in the program, and Weiwei won a single program tournament.


The couple organized the first edition of their homonymous WiN Poker Couple  two-person poker tournament in Taiwan. They invited famous YouTuber Saint and his wife, I Am Poker King presenter Hsu Xin-yang, Live at the Bike! player Andy Stacks, and famous Taiwanese professional poker players Pete Chen, Bonsai, and Corner to compete. In the same year, the Poker Couple finished second in an online vote for Favorite Poker YouTubers at the 2021 GPI Asia Poker Festival.


In July, the Poker Couple welcomed a healthy poker baby.


Nevan and Weiwei finished first and second, respectively, for the first time in the APT High Roller tournament.


Nevan and Weiwei both represents Natural8, the largest online poker platform in Asia, as Natural8 Ambassadors.

Nevan and Weiwei will continue working hard to promote poker and share their knowledge while also refining their comprehension of online and offline cash games and tournaments.

撲克夫妻.WiN Poker Couple 

Nevan 和 Weiwei 於 14 歲相識、17 歲交往,愛情長跑 10 年後結婚。熱愛德州撲克的兩人於 2019 年攜手創立「撲克夫妻」社群,致力提供豐富撲克資源,並熱衷與撲克玩家交流,分享從業餘到職業撲克牌手的心路歷程和撲克思維策略。

關於我們認識 Nevan加入戰隊撲克教學撲克知識自律是打好撲克必須掌握的技能

