Sustained high earnings from cash games, Chinese Taipei National Match Poker Team coach, and Natural8 Ambassador.

In his youth, Nevan was a gamer for famous CS team UMX. After entering the workforce, he accumulated seven years of working experience in the e-commerce industry.

Nevan is currently an ambassador for the Chinese Texas Hold’em Poker Club and a coach and member of the Chinese Taipei National Match Poker Team, which finished second in the Asian Nations Cup.

Nevan has been a poker lecturer for the Ace8 International Poker Association, a guest lecturer for National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University’s poker clubs, a training instructor for beginners at poker associations in central Taiwan, a livestream host for Natural8, a match commentator for the TV program I Am Poker King, and a live match commentator for CTP Poker Club’s tournaments.

Nevan offers systematic courses for online poker tournaments and cash games, while his YouTube channel WiN Poker Couple promotes poker and shares knowledge. He remains an active player while continuing to refine his skills and study online and offline cash games and tournaments.

As pandemic restrictions are lifted, Nevan intends to participate in international tournaments to further broaden his poker experience.

Nevan and Weiwei both represents Natural8, the largest online poker platform in Asia, as Natural8 Ambassadors.

Nevan and Weiwei will continue working hard to promote poker and share their knowledge while also refining their comprehension of online and offline cash games and tournaments.

Instead of waiting for the dealer to give you good cards, it’s better to improve yourself and let your competition presuppositions hold good cards.


Adjust your mentality, because each game can only have one champion. Understand the essence of poker, accumulate a certain number of hands, prepare your own bankroll, and wait for the next game to start anew.


In addition to emitting positive energy, it’s also important to surround yourself with friends who have positive energy. There are ups and downs in poker, just like in life. At all times, it’s better to make the most out of our situations at all times instead of complaining.


The more you understand yourself, the easier it will be to discern your opponent’s thinking and naturally respond with the correct strategy for cards in various positions within a few seconds. After a tournament, you can use software to check if you made any mistakes. Take the time to study and fully understand poker. After that, pair up with luck and seize opportunities when they come.

撲克夫妻.WiN Poker Couple 

Nevan 和 Weiwei 於 14 歲相識、17 歲交往,愛情長跑 10 年後結婚。熱愛德州撲克的兩人於 2019 年攜手創立「撲克夫妻」社群,致力提供豐富撲克資源,並熱衷與撲克玩家交流,分享從業餘到職業撲克牌手的心路歷程和撲克思維策略。

關於我們認識 Nevan加入戰隊撲克教學撲克知識自律是打好撲克必須掌握的技能

